Geospace: visualize a sub-meter level real-time location

Geospace: visualize a sub-meter level real-time location Geoplan’s desire to visualize a sub-meter level location data that its HW provides has become a new reality when we launched our own UWB RTLS platform, Geospace. Geospace is now a key Software that Geoplan utilizes to manage all UWB devices within the designated UWB area. With the...

UWB RTLS: One Technology, Multiple Solutions Powering Industry Innovation

News & Blog You might wonder why a-centimeter-level precise measurements are crucial. In certain industries, accurate location tracking can be critical, potentially impacting safety and protecting valuable assets. As a result, UWB RTLS is not limited to just asset tracking but extends to various high-stakes applications.   Healthcare One of the most critical applications of...

Gwangju Future Industry EXPO 2024

News & Blog GeoPlan have been invited to participate in the Gwangju Future Industry EXPO “Hyundai Motor Group Tech Pavilion” next week. 😁 We look forward to the Gwangju Future Industry Expo, where you can see the local root industries and the trends of the 4th industry such as eco-friendly cars, IoT appliances, robots, and...

What Does It Mean to Make Office Spaces Smart?

News & Blog What Does It Mean to Make Office Spaces Smart?  Integrating IoT technology and sensors into office environments can make spaces smarter, increasing operational efficiency, shortening communication processes among employees, and enhancing overall space management to maximize utilization. Various technologies are used to make office spaces smart, with RTLS technology particularly gaining attention....

How does RTLS into the healthcare industry?

News & Blog What is RTLS?  It is used to track the location of assets or people in real time within a limited area or building. The system consists of an RTLS tag attached to or carried by an asset or person that requires location information, and a device called a locator that transmits and...

Office Smarter with UWB RTLS

News & Blog Are you still using fingerprinting or employee ID tagging to manage employee turnover?  By using real-time location tracking technology to locate people and assets in a specific area such as a building or office, various location-based services are possible. Let’s take a look at the services in more detail.   Location-based access control...